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Murillo´s Academy has just received the High Quality SurfSchool Certificate

🇵🇹 - Acabadinho de chegar 😁! Estamos orgulhosos e mortinhos por regressar ao mar para poder voltar a por em prática os desígnios que nos permitem insistir persistentemente em elevar o nível 😎!!! Gratos a todos os nossos alunos, colaboradores e amigos pela inspiração e apoio contínuo 😊!

🇬🇧 - Freshly news 😃 ! We´re proud and can´t wait to get back to the sea to apply the intents that allow us to keep raising up the level over and over 🤩!!! We´re thankfull to all of our surferstudents, co-workers and friends for their continuous suport ☺️!

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